Here are resources to help you write awesome songs, get them recorded and get them out there.
The first thing I strongly recommend is to sign up for an online music library. You can listen to any song or recording you wish, as much as you like. I suggest you hone in on the writers you most identify with. Listen to their work, because you will learn huge amounts from them. The greatest musicians always learned by choosing a mentor. Beethoven studied with Haydn, Sondheim studied with Hammerstein. Use these music download programs to connect you with your musical role model.:
Lightbulb moments await when new study materials are opened. Every time I have read an article, I have gained new insight which made me run to the piano and implement. Consider a good e-book to supplement your innate songwriting abilities.
Once you have your musical ideas, you want to record them. This site has a full-blown plan for creating your own home recording studio. Here, for the sake of convenience, I will list some of the basic music recording tools you can get and use quickly.
Go to the recording studio equipment and musical instruments homepage for all of the categories. Here are some links to current discounts at major music dealers:
Get your CDs professionally reproduced and printed, with graphics and cover art. Have them submitted to all of the online digital networks. That is so important! You will make lots of money from Itunes, Rhapsody and whoever else. These resources will get it done for you.